Taco Time Superfans Campaign

CLIENTS: Taco Time

YEAR: 2021

IMPACT: Concepting, Art Direction

BLURB: Taco Time is a Pacific Northwest icon and their fans are, well, fanatic. We set out to find the most exemplary group of quirky Taco Time superfans to tell the world about how wonderful and unique Taco Time is. Testimonial campaigns can often feel fake and dull. So it was extremely important for us to keep things weird, funny, and authentic. Once we found Larry, the 93 year old man who drinks cups of hot sauce to stay young, I knew we were on the right track.





CREDITS: Creative Director: Noel Nickol + Allyson Paisley, Copywriter: Vincent Vidaurri, Art Director: Evan Tear Haynes, Producer: Kat O'Hara, Production: Petting Zoo + Electric Sheep


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